Design and Technology at St Luke's

Keep up to date with the exciting things happening in the Design and Technology Department at St Luke's Science and Sports College.

Year 8 Lets go fly a kite!

This is a 6 week project looking at kites and the many different designs that are around. You will need to research the history, how they fly and the designs. You will then use this information to design and make your own kite.
Week 1
Investigate different kite shapes. Draw and label an example of each. You should spend about 30-40 minutes on this part.
Week 2
Sketch 6 ideas that you could use on the surface of your kite. You could chose a theme or maybe just patterns. You should send 30-40 minutes on this part.
Part 3
Take your best design idea and modify it until you have a final design. Use labels to explain your work. You should spen 40 minutes on this part.
Part 4
Make a leaflet explaining how a kite could be made. This will hekp you next week when you make your kite. You should spend 40 minutes on this part.
Part 5
Make a kite! Use you design and the leaflet you prouced to make your own kite which will be displayed in school. You should spend 30-40 minutes on this part.
Part 6
Make a kite! Use you design and the leaflet you prouced to make your own kite which will be displayed in school. You should spend 30-40 minutes on this part.
A power point with further details is available on the VLE.